Monday, January 19, 2009

Libby & Mallory's Disneyland Birthday

Shawn and I have been planning Libby and Mallorys 5th birthday for the past year and a half. We wanted to take them to Disneyland when they turned 5. Maybe I should say that I wanted to take them to Disneyland. Shawn had never been and really didn't have a great desire to go but he was a good sport and we all had a great time. It was really great that it turned out that this year the promotion was that you got in free on your birthday.
We left on January 3rd and stayed in Las Vegas. Randy Shawn's brother and his family live there so we visted with them and the girls had fun playing with their cousins, they love there cousin Jared who is a year older then them. You could just hear the three of them in the other room and Libby and Mallory were just giggling and giggling. They just think that Jared is sooo funny.

The next morning we left for Anaheim and the Party began.

Libby and Mallory's favorite part of the whole Disneyland experience was seeing all the characters. I have always loved Disneyland but it really is a different with kids. It was so fun to see thier excitement. Mallory would just jump and down she could hardly contain herself and when Libby would get up to on of them she would run and hug them it was so cute.
On Wednesday January 7th the girls turned 5 and we got Mallory a Cinderella out fit and Libby a Snow White outfit and ofcourse they loved them.
The hightlight of the birthday was being able to goto the Princess lunch at Ariels Gratto. They were able to meet thier favorite princesses and Libby and Mallory were in heaven.


Cherrington said...

That looks like the best birthday ever. The girls looked like they had a lot of fun. I think I have more fun now as an adult watching my kids have fun at disney. Then I did when I was a kid.

ali-dot-e said...

What fun!! I can't wait until we go...we will definately have to check out the Jedi school you told me about!!

Sheena said...

How fun! I had forgotten that you were going to do that. I bet the girls had a blast. We'll probably take Maryn (and Blake now) to Disneyland/Disney World again someday when she won't freak out about meeting the characters.

Lee and Marie said...

Hey! You need to update ;) How are you guys?
I don't know if you ever have time to look at my blog - but I stalk yours ;) I thought I'd let you know that I've gone private and if you'd like an invite email me at mariebelliston at hotmail dot com and tell me what email address you want me to send the invite to. Thanks! Marie